Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation
Andrew Wachtel
Not Available
Monolingualism of the Other, or, The Prosthesis of Origin
Jacques Derrida
Andrew Baruch Wachtel
Museum Memories
Didier Maleuvre
The Practice of Cultural Analysis
Mieke Bal and 1 more
Mieke Bal
Black Holes / J. Hillis Miller; or, Boustrophedonic Reading
J Hillis Miller and 1 more
The Solid Letter
Aris Fioretos
Black Holes
Fantasm and Fiction
Peter Schwenger
Freud and the Institution of Psychoanalytic Knowledge
Sarah Winter
Of Minimal Things
Rodolphe Gasché
The Legend of Freud
Samuel M Weber
Samuel Weber
Deconstruction as Analytic Philosophy
Samuel C Wheeler
Silent Urns
David S Ferris
The Reality of the Mass Media
Niklas Luhmann
La Confession d'Augustin
JeanFrançois Lyotard
World Spectators
Kaja Silverman
Of Hospitality
Jacques Derrida and 1 more
The Rhetoric of Cultural Dialogue
Jeffrey S Librett
Niklas Luhmann's Modernity
William Rasch
Historical Representation
F R Ankersmit
Against Autonomy
Timothy J Reiss
The Ends of Literature
Brett Levinson
Dead Time
Elissa Marder
'Our Place in Al-Andalus'
Gil Anidjar
Theories of Distinction
Niklas Luhmann and 1 more
Hubert Damisch
Fault Lines
Miryam Sas
Minyam Sas
Richard Rand and 1 more
Plato and Europe
Jan Patocka
Political Representation
Soundproof Room
In Praise of New Travelers
Isabel Hoving
The Practice of Conceptual History
Reinhart Koselleck
Reinhart Koselleck and 1 more
A Theory of /Cloud
World and Life as One
M J B Stokhof
Being Given
JeanLuc Marion
The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy
Ian Balfour
The Speculative Remark (One of Hegel's Bon Mots)
JeanLuc Nancy and 1 more
Religion and Media
Hent de Vries and 1 more
The Speculative Remark
JeanLuc Nancy
Hélène Cixous and 1 more
Institution and Interpretation
Anthropology With an Attitude
Johannes Fabian
Taking on the Tradition
Michael Naas
Constructions of Practical Reason
Herlinde PauerStuder
The Idea of Form
Husserl's Phenomenology
Dan Zahavi
Present Pasts
Andreas Huyssen
The Politics of Aesthetics
Marc Redfield
The Seduction of the Occult and the Rise of the Fantastic Tale
On Escape
Emmanuel Lévinas
Dorothea E von Mücke
Saint Paul
Alain Badiou
Can One Live After Auschwitz?
Theodor W Adorno and 1 more
The Jew, the Arab
Just Being Difficult?
Jonathan D Culler and 1 more
Jonathan Culler and 1 more
The Matrix of Visual Culture
Patricia Pisters
The Ends of Mourning
Alessia Ricciardi
A Finite Thinking
Emerson's Transcendental Etudes
Stanley Cavell and 1 more
Double Exposure
Bernard Faure
Bernard Faure and 1 more
The Political Theology of Paul
Jacob Taubes and 1 more
The Crossing of the Visible
Beate Rössler
The Machinery of Talk
Anne Freadman
The Cult of Art in Nazi Germany
Eric Michaud
For What Tomorrow
The Event and Its Terrors
Stuart McLean
Shifting Priorities
Nanette Salomon
Questioning Judaism
Elisabeth Weber
The Antigone Complex
Cecilia Sjöholm
Illuminations from the Past
Ban Wang
Aesthetics of Appearing
Martin Seel
The Force of Art
Krzysztof Ziarek
Martin Seel and 1 more
Image, Icon, Economy
MarieJosé Mondzain
Retroactive Justice
István Rév
Empathic Vision
Jill Bennett
Genesis and Trace
Paola Marrati
Sublime Historical Experience
FR Ankersmit
Heidegger's Volk
James Phillips
Paper Machine
Routine Violence
G Pandey
Gyanendra Pandey
Reading Derrida/thinking Paul
Theodore W Jennings
Religion and Cultural Memory
Jan Assmann and 1 more
Naming the Witch
James T Siegel
Take Care of Freedom and Truth Will Take Care of Itself
Richard Rorty and 1 more
Powers of the Secular Modern
David Scott and 1 more
Against Voluptuous Bodies
J M Bernstein
The Unthought Debt
Marlène Zarader
Structures of Memory
Jennifer A Jordan
Reflections of Equality
Christoph Menke
The Belated Witness
Michael G Levine
The Literary in Theory
Jonathan D Culler
The Material Image
Brigitte Peucker
The Honor of Thinking
All the Difference in the World
Natalie Melas
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Max Horkheimer and 2 more
The Aesthetic Paths of Philosophy
Alison Ross
Can These Bones Live?
Bella Brodzki
Beckett, Derrida, and the Event of Literature
Asja Szafraniec
Gerhard Richter
A Childhood Memory by Piero Della Francesca
Mediated Memories in the Digital Age
José van Dijck
Jose van Dijck
Romanticism After Auschwitz
Sara Emilie Guyer
A Turbulent Decade Remembered
Diana Sorensen
Intersubjectivities and Popular Culture
Esther Peeren
Becoming Visionary
Eyal Peretz
In Stock
£84.60 £94.00
Algeria Cuts
Ranjana Khanna
Dead Certainty
Jennifer L Culbert
Lessons from a Materialist Thinker
Samantha Frost
Anatomy of the Passions
François Delaporte
Franðcois Delaporte and 1 more
Mimesis and Theory
René Girard and 1 more
Sacramental Poetics at the Dawn of Secularism
Regina M Schwartz
The Ethics of Emmanuel Levinas
Diane Perpich
Comparing the Incomparable
Marcel Detienne
Marcel Detienne and 1 more
The Image of Law
Alexandre Lefebvre
The Rhetoric of Sincerity
Ernst van Alphen and 2 more
The Angel of History
Stéphane Mosès
The Present Alone Is Our Happiness
Pierre Hadot and 3 more
JeanFrançois Lyotard and 1 more
Re-Figuring Hayden White
F R Ankersmit and 2 more
The Impertinent Self
Josef Früchtl
Roberto Esposito
The Long Space
Peter Hitchcock
Artificial Presence
Lambert Wiesing
Occidental Eschatology
Jacob Taubes
From Cult to Culture
Jacob Taubes and 2 more
An Atheism That Is Not Humanist Emerges in French Thought
Stefanos Geroulanos
On Historicizing Epistemology
HansJörg Rheinberger
A Covenant of Creatures
Michael Fagenblat
The Ego and the Flesh
Jacob Rogozinski and 1 more
The Price of Truth
Marcel Hénaff
The Sparks of Randomness. Volume 1 Spermatic Knowledge
Henri Atlan
The Sparks of Randomness
Henri Atlan and 1 more
Jacques Derrida and 2 more
Pierre Hadot and 2 more
Reconfiguring Islamic Tradition
Samira Haj
Milton and the Post-Secular Present
Feisal G Mohamed
Theological Tractates
Erik Peterson
René Girard
Testing the Limit
FrançoisDavid Sebbah
The Neuro-Image
The Future and Its Enemies
Daniel Innerarity
Daniel Innerarity and 1 more
Georges Bataille
Rodolphe Gasché and 1 more
A Systems Theory of Religion
The Sparks of Randomness. Volume 2 The Atheism of Scripture
The Game of Probability
Rüdiger Campe
Walter Benjamin
Sigrid Weigel
About Europe
Denis Guénoun
Warped Mourning
Aleksandr Etkind
Outlaw Justice
Philosophy and Melancholy
Ilit Ferber
The Mark of the Sacred
JeanPierre Dupuy
Mother Folly
Françoise Davoine
The Far Reaches
Mike Gubser
Michael D Gubser
The Specter of Capital
Joseph Vogl
What Is a Classic?
Ankhi Mukherjee
Flaubert Postsecular
Barbara Vinken
Transcolonial Maghreb
Olivia C Harrison
The Story of Reason in Islam
Sari Nusseibeh
I Am the Truth
Michel Henry
Whither Fanon?
D S Marriott
The Implicated Subject
Michael Rothberg
The Afterlife of Moses
Michael P Steinberg
A Revolutionary Faith
Raúl Eduardo Zegarra Medina
The Antechamber
Helmut Puff
Walter Benjamin and the Idea of Natural History
Eli Friedlander
Descartes' Meditative Turn
Christopher J Wild
Out of the World
Peter Sloterdijk
Revelation Comes from Elsewhere
Why the Church?
Hans Joas
Arendt's Solidarity
David D Kim
Nocturnal Seeing
Elliot R Wolfson
Barroco and Other Writings
Severo Sarduy and 1 more
On Goethe